I know it sucks, but STAY HOME!

We are all a part of it. We cannot escape it, and we need to listen to the professionals. Caronavirus SUCKS! And you know what makes it not suck? Not getting it! Guess how you don’t get it: You don’t leave the house, unless absolutely essential.

10 Things That Can Improve Your Pandemic Stress

COVID-19 has been do nothing, but cause stress and anxiety, not to mention keep us cooked up in our house for the last several months. During this time, we need to explore a few options that can help us get through these times, and keep us positive as we wait for things to recover.

Can pets relieve isolation depression?

Pets, whether dogs or cats or lizards or whatever you have taken in as your own, have been there for us no matter the circumstance. When we are happy, guess whose there? When we are sad or angry, look whose coming up to see you, or laying on your lap? Yep, it’s your pet.

How Coronavirus Is Affecting Kids Mental Health

We all think about returning to work and returning to our social groups, and for our kids, it is much of the same. People around the world have been slowly adjusting to the rules and regulations in place with “stay at home” order in affect, business closures, and school closures.

Survey: 35% say “at home” work has harmed mental health

The recent months have caused drastic changes among the majority of citizens. With COVID19 running rampant throughout our world, it leaves many to wonder when the quarantine will end, and many more wondering when they can return to their normal work schedules.

Online therapy could fill the void in mental health care

Online therapy has become more and more useful to those who are suffering from various mental health illnesses across the globe. Thanks to a study done by the University of Toronto, Scarborough, there is a new therapy being utilized by patients with recurrent depression symptoms, and this additional care is providing an additional way to receive vital health care therapy.